Sunday, June 05, 2005

Yin and Yang...

Didn't I just mention about the Yin and Yang of things? It rules my life. Yesterday I had a wonderful day! Everything went well! This morning? Kim calls with the bad news... More dead chickens. Pandemonium ensued last night while the house was empty. Empty of humans that is! Kim didn't close the master bedroom door tight and the white cat Dander let herself in, releasing the Dachshund Daisy in the process. Daisy found the box of baby chickens that Dallas had just purchased and proceeded to kill at least one of them and presumably scattered the rest. I think that one of the inside animals either peed or poohed in the house also. The two baby kittens were fine. Outside the house? More dead chickens. The Bantams decided that life was no longer fun or something and drowned themselves. Cotton (the Great Pyrenees) had nothing to do with their demise this time! What is going on here? Kim arrived last night around 10:30 to find the house in the dark. 90% of the outlets didn't work! We knew that a few of them didn't work but now the rest of them too? Is this property jinxed? What next? At least the horses are doing well! So far! I think that I am going to put the two Pointers in the Humane Society. Well, maybe just the bigger crazy one Kimber. Ruger still has hope. I think. What a way to start the day! Kim had more bad news for me but I need not keep going here about it! My life is crazy. I love my family though. Never a dull moment!

I'm gonna go have breakfast now...

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