Sunday, June 19, 2005

Kim and Isa getting ready for the July 4 parade!

Kim and Isa getting ready for the July 4 parade!
Originally uploaded by KDCNMorales.

The official training/warming up period has started again for Isa Pushy Pants! This Fjord needs a workout! The new pasture has made her fat and lazy. Kim will whip her into shape in no time! They went into town, past grain trucks, over railroad tracks and all over McCracken with no injuries or problems whatsoever! What a good horse! What an excellent trainer! They worry the tar outta me! Horses are not my thing... I am just the stall boy. I'll help groom 'em, trim 'em and what not but that's it! Chickens are more my speed. Yup. Chickens. wanna see? ;-)

1 comment:

Michelle :) said...

The parade will be a hoot! What dedication- go Kim go!