Thursday, September 22, 2005

I miss you...

i don't know what you are doing right now but i miss you... i'm not doing anything right now but thinking of you. as i drive around this big city, alone, i think of you and i want to share my thoughts and emotions with you! i want you to see and experience what i am experiencing! i want to share my joys and my sorrows, my triumphs and tribulations, the good times and the bad. i know that you are doing well and so am i but we are not together and that does not make me happy. i do not feel whole. i need you. the leaves are changing color, did you know that? the geese are starting there long migration south and they are not alone! the world around us is in constant motion and yet i feel like i am standing still. i am oblivious and yet acutely aware of my surroundings and the changes that are happening all around me. i hear your stories and i yearn to be there too! i need to hold you and hear your soothing voice whisper softly in my ear. as we follow this crazy tortured path, i know that your road and mine will soon meet somewhere in the as yet unforseen distance and that gives me hope. i know and understand that our paths must run parallel lines and that you are feeling the same as i but that knowedge does not alleviate the empty space that i feel in my chest every day. i yearn to listen to your voice each and every day. i thrive on your words and they give me sustenance and keep me afloat on this empty island. i have faith and i have hope but even more importantly, i have you and that is all that matters! we will be together once more and will be stronger than ever! i can feel it! we must continue on this parallel continuum for some time still but when our paths meet again, we will be overcome with joy and satisfaction! we will lay down our roots and finally be able to grow into what we know to be our destiny as a strong and cohesive family! we have always been able to rise above it all and so we are doing it yet again even when it has been thrust upon us in a most unwelcome manner. it was not fair but we will build on it and let the experience strengthen us and bind us inexorably together. this is our path, our legacy. i miss you. i love you. i look forward to seeing you again every day. be strong, my love! the seasons may change but my love for you will not, cannot! i am but a thousand miles away! what is that distance to me compared with the knowledge of spending the rest of my life with you? i live for you, fight for you, work hard every day for you. my family gives me strength, hope and love... for that i thank you, love you and cherish you. forever. as you lay your head down to sleep tonight, look out of the window into the dark star-filled night and know that i am doing the same. see that twinkle? it is a reflection of my eyes! sweet dreams! see you soon! i miss you...

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